devopsdays Montréal - Contact

If you’d like to contact us by email: [email protected]

Our local team

Christina Di Maio

Event Manager

Christina Di Maio

Community Management and Strategic Planning, all these words to say that I’m responsible for making sure my colleagues in the Data & Analytics team at BRP are engaged and having fun and that our processes and strategies are clear to our team members and stakeholders. Marketing and event planning are my passions, I also bake a pretty mean macaron! With a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from HEC Montréal I’ve always worked in marketing and spent most of my carreer in IT , I do my best to bring different ideas to life while sharing the tech industry through my eyes. After all, you can put glitter on anything!


Ian Crosby

CFP, Open Spaces + Social Media

Ian Crosby

Previous developer, manager, cloud engineer, CTO. Enjoys solving difficult problems with interesting technology. Or interesting problems with difficult technology. Can usually be found in a meeting asking ‘What is the problem we’re trying to solve here?’


Joost Polley

SWAG Organizer, CWO

Lise-Andrée Duperré

Venue, Sponshorship liaison + Speaker liaison

Lise-Andrée Duperré

As marketing manager, I have been bringing my energy and determination to Gologic’s DevOps community for over 6 years. I am involved in a number of initiatives to boost sales and build our brand, including lead generation strategies, social media and event planning. Alongside this exciting career, I am an outdoors enthusiast and enjoy running. Oh, and I forgot—I love chocolate. :)


Michael McCliment


Michael McCliment


Sydney Pagliuca


Sydney Pagliuca

I am a student at McGill University enrolled in the Bachelor of Education program. As I progress through my degree, work, and teaching experiences, so does my love for education.I consider myself to be a kind, reliable, patient, and personable individual with a strong motivation to succeed. I enjoy working on projects, learning new things, making new mistakes, and teaching others. I have a particular and keen interest in space and technology, and am always questioning and exploring, with a lot to still to learn - I 💜 🍫


Donald Donovan


Donald Donovan

I’m a seasoned technologically promiscuous janitor with a unique set of industry experiences in several key technology, communications, and business areas having the greatest impact on most organizations today. I have an overactive interest in data, practical technology applications, and their effects on human behavior, human society, and people’s interactions as they continue to change due to new technologies and communication mediums. I’m a dedicated father of two, an INTP, and have a long list of successful (and failed) projects in both individual contributor and leadership roles. I do not like chocolate.


Franck Clerget


Franck Clerget

A passionate leader with almost a decade of experience in technology. Marrying modern technologies and practices with developing a strong employee’s culture is recognized as a pillar in leading a competitive industry. Always reaching for the best in class, I have sharpened my skills to enable organizational transformation to better serve their customers and to distinguish their offers in a highly competitive market.


Sebastián Gómez

CFP, Speaker liaison + Website

Sebastián Gómez

CI/CD plumber by day, father of three by night, I’ve been in the IT industry for almost 20 years. It all started with a echo Hello World on my mom’s computer’s AUTOEXEC.BAT. I now help companies of all sizes transition into the Cloud Native world, as painless as possible.


Marian Marinov


Marian Marinov
Web Hosting Canada

Started as a SysAdmin in 96, marian is now the Director of Engineering at Web Hosting Canada. He moved to Canada in 2022. Prior to that, in Bulgaria, he was helping with the organization of various conferences, OpenFest, RailsGirls, LUG-BG, IT Tour and others. In his spare time he was teaching Linux System Administration and Network Security coursea in Sofia University.

The global core organizers support local teams.