Tyler Welton

Tyler has spend over a decade hacking and securing network and software systems. Most recently his focus has been on helping companies secure their code and cloud infrastructure. He loves exploring new exploitation frontiers, while also creatively remediating difficult security problems.

He is the founder of Untamed Theory - a platform for implementing application security for companies of all sizes. He also serves as the Security Architect for Built Technologies. He has spoken at many conferences, including DefCon, served as a contributor/reviewer to the OWASP CI/CD Top 10 Vulnerabilities project, and served on product advisory boards for multiple security companies and products. He’s the inventor of Poisoned Pipeline Execution. His favorite Prince song is Purple Rain, and he doesn’t care if you think it’s the obvious choice, it’s still the best, and you’re wrong.

He loves his wife and 3 kids, the hacker community, good pranks, network hijinks, and laughing deeply at a lame joke.

Tyler Welton at Nashville 2024

Tyler Welton