From Fragile to Antifragile Internal Platforms

Internal platforms are generally understood as a necessity in most organizations today. However, results are often underwhelming and the investment in internal platforms becomes hard to measure or justify. This makes internal platforms fragile and susceptible to economic downturns, changes in funding models or leadership focus.

So what is needed to make internal platforms antifragile?

“Antifragility is a property of systems in which they increase in capability to thrive as a result of stressors, shocks, volatility, noise, mistakes, faults, attacks, or failures.”

Of course, the platform as a product approach is critical to help focus and prioritize (internal) customer needs. Continuously understanding the platform audience, building trust, and reducing blind spots are required to thrive.

But sustainable platforms need to be able to withstand financial shocks as well. We need to deal with the reality that (end customer) products (usually) have clear revenue and unclear costs while internal platforms (usually) have clear costs and unclear revenue. How do we avoid naïve/biased approaches to demonstrate platform value which overlook the costs? How do we show the value as perceived by decision makers that might be sitting 2 or 3 degrees away in the organization?

Antifragile internal platforms grow on trust and 360º transparency in order to survive the inevitable stressors, failures, and misunderstandings. Chances are that mandates, blind standardization, and fuzzy “productivity” goals, among other issues, are eroding the trust foundations that are needed for platform sustainability in your organization.



Manuel Pais

Co-author of the industry changing book “Team Topologies”, Manuel is on a mission to both make work more humane and businesses more valuable to customers. Manuel delivers motivational keynotes and ...