Daniel Requena

I’m Brazilian, currently living in Lisbon, I have a beautiful Son and a Lovely Wife. I graduated in Computer Science, have a Masters Degree in Computer Engineering and have been working with IT for more than 20 years. I’m a passionate Sysadmin that transitioned throughout the years from the classical physical servers, to the cloud, to containers and keep learning every day. My job titles varied from: Sysadmin to DevOps Engineer, to SRE and currently Platform Engineer. I have some experience in Talks and presentations. I’ve presented talks in DevOpsDay São Paulo, The Developer Conference - TDC (as a presenter and coordinator), Tic Nova, Official Docker Community Meetup, and many local Meetups, including in DevOpsLisbon. I also participated as a guest in Podcast and VideoCast. My hobbies include (but not limited to): Mechanical Keyboards, Pasta making, Reading and Travelling

Daniel Requena at Portugal 2024