SBOM Management: Improving your Software Supply Chain Security

High-quality SBOMs enable security teams to scale with their developers. With more visibility, it is easier to secure the open source attack surface and identify open source components in your software supply chain. While generating SBOMs has become easier and more commonplace, companies are still struggling with tracking, managing, and securely sharing their generated SBOMs.

Comprehensive, end-to-end SBOM management reduces risk and increases transparency in software supply chains. Anchore automatically generates and analyzes comprehensive SBOMs at each step of the development lifecycle. SBOMs are stored in a repository to provide visibility into components, dependencies, and continuous vulnerability monitoring.

In my proposed presentation, I will discuss how organizations can gain greater visibility into their software supply chain, respond more quickly to vulnerabilities as they arise, and ultimately improve their overall security posture.



Brian Thomason


Brian Thomason is a long time Linux geek whose passion for Debian GNU/Linux, and more specifically its package management system, inspired him to become a release engineer.

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