devopsdays Vancouver


800 Robson St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2E7
Devopsdays Vancouver has cancelled due to very low ticket sales.

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DevOpsDays Vancouver 2024 is Cancelled :(

This year, as organizers in the tech industry, we faced numerous challenges. Like many other DevOpsDays events worldwide, we were forced to make the tough decision to cancel our event after it became clear that ticket sales were not proceeding as expected. After carefully evaluating the situation, we have decided to cancel the event in order to ensure a more positive experience for attendees, sponsors, and speakers. We understand that this decision may have caused inconvenience and we sincerely apologize for any disruptions.

Moving forward, we are actively seeking feedback and welcome suggestions on how we can improve accessibility for future conferences. Your input is valuable to us as we strive to enhance the overall experience for all participants. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

If you have any feedback, please provide that here.