Let’s build & deploy a Magic 8-Ball App with Spin and WebAssembly

Are you curious about WebAssembly and do you want to build a truly serverless app from scratch?

In this workshop we will demystify what WebAssembly is, and illustrate why we think WebAssembly will change the way we build software in the future. We will walk you through creating your first serverless application with the open source Spin project and create a “Magic 8 Ball” app to answer individual questions using a serverless Large Language Model (LLM). Finally we will deploy this app to Kubernetes using SpinKube!

By the end of the workshop, you’ll know what WebAssembly is, how you could use Spin for building real-world applications that require no ops.

Attendees are encouraged to bring laptops and to have a GitHub account configured. You will have the option of either doing the workshop on the laptop or using GitHub Codespaces and a pre-configured environment.

This workshop will assume:

  • Familiarity with working on the command line
  • Knowledge of any of the following programming languages: Python, JavaScript/TypeScript, or Rust
