Uber is a mindblowingly large company. More than 1 million trips per hour across the globe. In Aarhus, 150 engineers build infrastructure platforms that support this business. While DevOps is not a topic in itself, DevOps culture, principles and values are at the forefront of everything we do. The platforms we build are the ultimate examples of complex sociotechnical systems. The collaboration modes, processes and coding practices and principles must live up to the highest standards, or problems will arise. This talk will cover our approach to software engineering, across the entire spectrum of skills from social to technical. We will present the maxims that we preach and keep each other accountable for. This talk will provide a comprehensive and coherent approach to software engineering at scale, served as individually adoptable practices. We will anchor the principles in concrete cases and examples. Our goal is to present healthy engineering practices that has enabled Ubers global success from an platform enginering perspect in a way that makes it immediately useful back in your everyday teams. While this is a technical talk, it also touches some cultural aspects. Our goal is to reaffirm the age old agile principles of technical excellence, to entertain and to enlighten.
Software Engineer at Uber
Johan Abildskov is a former DevOps consultant gone software engineer. Johan helps build the stateful container orchestration platform at Uber. Johan elevates the invisible
...Principal Engineer at Uber
Jeppe Brønsted is a Principal Engineer at Uber, he has helped develop and operate complex systems from container orchestration systems over scalable databases to ledger