Observability Without Lock-In: The Power of Open Standards

Observability is essential for modern cloud-native applications, yet many teams struggle with vendor lock-in, rising costs, and fragmented tooling. This ignite talk explores how open observability standards,OpenTelemetry for instrumentation and Perses for monitoring-as-code, empower teams to break free from proprietary constraints. Learn how these CNCF-backed projects enable vendor-neutral, scalable, and future-proof observability stacks. We’ll cover auto-instrumentation, open dashboards, and best practices to help you own your telemetry, reduce costs, and gain deeper insights.



Kasper Borg Nissen

Kasper is a CNCF Ambassador, KubeCon+CloudNativeCon Co-Chair, Kubestronaut, KCD Organizer, and CNCG Group Organizer. He co-founded Cloud Native Nordics to unite meetups across the region. As a ...