Technology Counselor at 🔳 .the tech collective - Ex Praqma (founder)
Our industry - software development - has a bad reputation that “you can get away with anything - and fix it later”. I’m on a mission; I wan’t that reputation to change. I advocate that software should be “done-done” when it’s shipped, as opposed to just plain “done”. And I claim that it’s not even difficult - I’m a firm believer in the DORITH principle (Do the RIght THing).
I believe that Open Source is right, from both an idealistic, efficiency and feasibility point of view. I advocate Open Source. It’s literally good (as opposed to evil!)
I’ve worked as a contractor for of bunch of huge international corporations - as well as small entrepreneurships and startups - initially as an employed consultant, later as self-employed, in 2007 I co-founded Praqma - The Continuous Delivery Company, which I sold in 2019, then I founded Prolike, a master/apprentice workplace for young independent professionals (yipees) and later I founded inc inc - offering lean business development and tech advise to pre-money startups.
Today I’m a technology counselor and rainmaker at The Tech Collective.