devopsdays Atlanta - Sponsor

We greatly value sponsors for this open event. If you are interested in sponsoring, please drop us an email at [[email protected] ].

devopsdays is a self-organizing conference for practitioners that depends on sponsorships. We do not have vendor booths, sell product presentations, or distribute attendee contact lists. Sponsors have the opportunity to have short elevator pitches during the program and will get recognition on the website and social media before, during and after the event. Sponsors are encouraged to represent themselves by actively participating and engaging with the attendees as peers. Any attendee also has the opportunity to demo products/projects as part of an open space session.

Gold sponsors get a full table and Silver sponsors a shared table where they can interact with those interested to come visit during breaks. All attendees are welcome to propose any subject they want during the open spaces, but this is a community-focused conference, so heavy marketing will probably work against you when trying to make a good impression on the attendees.

The best thing to do is send engineers to interact with the experts at devopsdays on their own terms.

We will be providing tables with black tableclothes and power. Tables are in the high traffic areas and based on sponsor feedback there will not be a dedicated expo hall. We work hard to ensure traffic to the tables through table placement and breaks.

Gold sponsors will get a full table and also get to briefly address the crowd at the beginning of each day. We will name the rooms, as they last, after Gold sponsors and place signage with your logo outside the room.

Platinum sponsors will get naming rights to the main hall, 30 minutes to demo their product during one of the open spaces and access to use a break out room which could be used for things like recording testimonials, focus groups, UI/UX research to see how your products are used, group demo's and the like.

Naming rights are handled in the order the sponsorships are received. The first Platinum sponsor will receive naming rights to the main functional space and then subsequent Platinum sponsors will get naming rights to the break out rooms. Gold sponsors will then get naming rights to the break out rooms as they are available in the order the sponsorships are received.

Included Tickets13510
Promotion on social media
Promotion (logo) on web site
Mention by MC at kickoff and close
Shared swag table
Full table
1 minute to pitch full audience
3 minutes to pitch full audience
Naming rights to the main function space (one available)
Naming rights to a breakout room (while availability lasts)
Premium table placement
Give a 30 minute demo in the main hall during one of the open spaces
Access to a break out room for half of each day
After party sponsorship from a la carte section

A la carte Sponsorship opportunities

All a la carte sponsorship comes with logo on site, social media recognition and MC shout outs. If you have other sponsorship ideas or would like to put together a custom package, let us know.

Sponsorship opportunityAmount
WiFi sponsor$500
Exclusive lanyard sponsor$3,500
Coffee station (both days) - Signage provided$500
Breakfast buffet (both days) - Signage provided$1000
Day 1 Afternoon snack in expo hall - Signage provided$500
Day 2 Afternoon snack in expo hall - Signage provided$500
Day 1 Lunch - Signage provided, 3 minute pitch and video loop (no audio) during lunch$1,000
Day 2 Lunch - Signage provided, 3 minute pitch and video loop (no audio) during lunch$1,000
Sponsor the after party on Day 1$4,000