devopsdays prague - Contact

If you’d like to contact us by email: [email protected]

Our local team

Pavel Selement


Pavel Selement

I’ve been moving between Dev and Ops roles for more than 15 years. Nowadays I focus on growing infrastructure and security mindset in ALICE Technologies. Previsouly I worked mostly for big corporations with heavy processes and red tape and I was trying to streamline and automate their pipelines and bring new technology into their world.


Marek Sottl


Marek Sottl

I have been in software development and security for more than 10 years and I found my purpose in the development and the cloud. I hold several Cloud certifications, run the YouTube channel Hakcitect´s playground, and maintain open-sourced ultimate DevSecOps Library. A creative atmosphere and connecting innovative brains are the reasons why I want to build communities at scale.

Richard Fojta


Richard Fojta

I’ve been working in Software Development for more than 15 years. I prefer medium-size companies with medium-size projects and relative fast feedback loop. I’ve started organizing Prague DevOps meetup many years ago. It has helped me to meet and get to know a lot of companies, people and technologies that are DevOps-oriented. I’m currently learning how to be a good parent, which is costing me a lot of time, but I would like to keep in touch with communities and people with free mind.

The global core organizers support local teams.