devopsdays Kansas City - Contact

If you’d like to contact us by email: [email protected]

Our local team

Aaron Blythe


Aaron Blythe
Google Cloud

Father, husband, hacker, software architect, genuinely interested in understanding things and making them better.


Erin Crise


Erin Crise

Graphic designer and self taught coder who developed a love for software testing. Erin’s a creative professional with a passion for software quality and a champion for inclusion.


Jeremy Meiss


Jeremy Meiss
DevEx Startup

Jeremy is an experienced Developer Experience and Community leader with almost 30 years in Tech. He’s is active in the DevRel and DevOps communities, and is a co-creator of A lover of all things coffee, community, open source, and tech, he is a husband and father, and is also house-broken, and (generally) plays well with others.


Jeff Stephens


Jeff Stephens

Jeff has worked as a Linux Systems Administrator for the last 13 years. His current focus is cloud application platforms. Beyond work, he is an avid baseball fan, and spends his free time as a musician and photographer.


Eric Lee


Eric Lee

Eric Lee is a Solutions Architect at AWS. His focus is in data pipelines, analytics, and reinforcement learning through AWS DeepRacer. He’s also on the board of Mental Health Hackers where he shares his experience going through IT Burnout to over 40 conferences and companies that span multiple IT verticals. When not working, you’ll find him ridding 4-wheeler’s with his kids, drinking bourbon, or at a dirt track watching sprint cars.


CJ Obermaier


CJ Obermaier

CJ has been involved in DevOpsDays KC since the first conference in 2016. He enjoys coaching high school soccer and spending time with his wife and dog.

The global core organizers support local teams.