Like A Rhino in Your Kid Brother's White Tuxedo - Legacy and Awesome is not an Oxymoron

Title: Like A Rhino in Your Kid Brother's White Tuxedo - Legacy and Awesome is not an Oxymoron

At night you dream of Microservices, Immutable Infrastructures and Immortal Awesomeness. By day you are looking after Oracle 9 systems on AIX with 32 bit Oracle Forms, due to be retired sometime in the decade after next.

This workshop will show you how you can use the fun new techniques that everyone is talking about to boot your legacy enterprise environment to be supplying SelfService for developers and running Continuous Deployment.

We'll supply you with your own cloud environment and all the scripts necessary to get a Self Service and CD environment running. To let you see CD in action and to kick the tyres yourself, we'll have an example set of enterprise applications with source code on Windows/ASP.NET, PHP/MySQL and Java/OracleDB. Tools used, in no particular order, are: Terraform, Vagrant, Vault, Jenkins, Chef, Selenium, SonarQube, Nexus, VisualStudio.

We'll be eating our own dogfood by booting the complete underlying infrastructure from zero using Terraform and Chef. All you need to bring is a pen, some paper, your laptop and a burning desire to squeeze your enterprise rhino into that small white tuxedo.

About the speaker

Jim is a family man, guitarist and dog lover. Having lived in the Netherlands for the last 22 years he knows where the best stroopwafels are.
