Title: Going Elastic
One of the hottest and most widely used tools for log monitoring and analytics at the moment is the Elastic Stack:
* Elasticsearch doing the hard work of analyzing and searching large amounts of data.
* Logstash and Beats for collecting them.
* Kibana for powerful visualizations.
This workshop gives you an overview of the four technologies, how they are working together, and how they can solve your problems. And of course attendees are setting up the full stack on their laptop to try it out for themselves!
About the speaker
Philipp is a Developer Advocate at Elastic, spreading the love and knowledge of full-text search, analytics, and real-time data. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and meetups about all things search & analytics, databases, cloud computing, and devops. Philipp lives in Vienna where he enjoys experimenting with software, organizing meetups, and sports.