Most of us know that – just as with Agile – people remain the biggest obstacle to instilling change management culture; you simply cannot buy DevOps as a package. For many organizations (the horses, not the unicorns!) the move to DevOps comes with unexpected bottlenecks. At times it seems like securing management buy-in – especially when there’s issues or delays – becomes the biggest obstacle. We’ll discuss a phased approach to building out support, beginning with sneaky guerilla methods and ending with a more direct, KPI- and business-objective-driven campaign to get the executive firepower you need to create your own “cultural revolution”.
At heart he’s a developer and loves solving problems creatively. Coming from the relational database/data warehousing ranks, he’s been writing applications for about 20 years now with strong experience in a broad variety of tools within the Microsoft stack. He’s crazy about ALM/SDLC and DevOps concepts and frequently gives presentations and chalktalks on implementing Agile in the real world.