devopsdays Denver - speakers

Main Talks

NameSession Title
Dave HahnHow Netflix Thinks About DevOps
Courtney KisslerLiving in a Hybrid World
Alan RobertsonSecurity Automation for DevOps
“Waldo” GrunenwaldFear and Loathing in Systems Administration
Leon FayerProduction testing through monitoring
Seth GoingsGokart to Grand Prix: How It Feels To Actually Go Fast
Jess BreckenridgePilot your Project: Avoiding anti-patterns while handling incidents and planning
Aaron NicholsLeading grassroots organizational change

Ignite Talks

NameSession Title
Chip DigirolamoThe Next Big Borrow - Software Supply Chain Automation
Nicole BaumgartAre you there God? It’s me, Sanity
Michael MeridethCrisis Communication Breakdown
Dustin CollinsSummon: Secrets and source control
Matthew BoeckmanGo Rin No Sho - What DevOps can learn from a 17th century samurai
Will LaCritical Incident? WTF (What’s the format)? - Minimum Viable Runbooks
Clinton WolfeMeet AnsibleDK: Yes, That’s a Thing Now
John W SpanglerValue Stream Mapping & Analysis
Chris CorriereDevOps Spelunking
Adam ZolyakHello, I’m Jarvis! Let’s #ChatOps !
Claudia RingA DevOps Necessary Evil: Marketing
Christopher L ProtoBlue-Green Deployments using Terraform + Packer + Jenkins

Full list of speakers and talks can be found on our speakers page.