Kris Saxton

Bimodal IT and Other Snakeoil

Bimodal IT is being presented by some analysts and vendors as the strategic response to the supposedly intractable task of reforming legacy estates while continuing to innovate.

In this talk, we will argue that this approach is a flawed oversimplification which, when adopted, results in lost opportunities, delays crucial decisions on how we evolve our legacy systems, and ultimately cripples the very ability to innovate we seek to protect.

Based on the experience of 5 projects (4 within large retail or investment banks and 1 with a large reinsurer) over the past two years, we will attempt to show that agile and devops teams within large financial organisations cannot hope to succeed without dealing with legacy environments, but also provide reassurance that these teams already have everything they need to both innovate and evolve their legacy environments.

Bimodal IT and other snakeoil by Kris Saxton from DevOpsDays London 2016 on Vimeo.


Kris Saxton

Kris Saxton


Kris has been a UNIX systems engineer for more than 10 years, with more than half of that time spent building ISPs and ASPs. A technical authority on all things data centre, he has held CTO positions and worked on automating server estates comprised of tens of thousands of machines.

A London School of Economics graduate and erstwhile Mountaineer, proprietary software is his mistress, but his heart lies with open source software.