AJ Bowen

Title: Your Meetings Are Unbearable: Cheat Codes From Occupy


Most work meetings are full of interruptions, repetitions and microaggressions. To make matters worse, they always seem to drag on forever. At Occupy, ain't nobody got time for that, so we adapted time-tested anarchist techniques and came up with a simple, efficient horizontal decision-making process. I would like to show you the hand gestures that go with these techniques; these alone are guaranteed to cut your meeting times in half and save 72% of your sanity.


AJ Bowen

AJ Bowen


AJ Bowen is on a mission to containerize all the things and help others to do the same. In the past, AJ has done technical support, evangelism, and customer and developer advocacy at Gandi. Her other experience includes heavy involvement in the Occupy movement in Kansas City, where she discovered the delightful and complicated world of horizontal organization in groups of passionate people with wildly diverse political perspectives, and humanitarian work in Haiti. AJ doesn’t like being told what to do—or telling others what to do—and is on a constant mission to eliminate unnecessary hierarchy.