Maurício Linhares

Title: From Dev to DevOps


Leaving the comfort zone of throwing code over the wall so the OPS team can deploy takes either guts or insanity. Developers should care more about how their products reach customers and one of the best ways to do this is to get into DevOps and involve themselves in the process of making sure the code is doing it's best being a good citizen in the actual environment. We'll see some of the hops, prejudices and issues developers have to face when they start their journey into the DevOps land and how this will improve their skill set and the final experience customers have actually using the product.


Maurício Linhares

Maurício Linhares


Maurício Linhares is a technical lead at DigitalOcean working at the Edge team making sure all traffic routed into DO’s API and cloud servers reach it’s destination. He’s been working on cloud environments and infrastructure automation on AWS and private clouds, making sure systems are doing their job. Passionate about functional programming, stateless infrastructure and DevOps to produce distributed systems that are scalable and maintainable in the long run.