devopsdays Sydney - program

The Schedule

Day 1

Arrival tea & coffee
Opening Welcome
Why?: the forgotten word of DevOps
Hannah Browne & Steve Mactaggart
Open spaces brainstorm
Morning tea
10 rules of automation
Patrick Robinson
Open Spaces intro
Open Space #1
Room 1: Ops Team planning/Tracking Metrics
Room 2: How to sell the "Why" to our organisations
Room 3: How to run integration tests with microservices
Open Space #2
Room 1: Teaching Ops
Room 2: Infra as code with multiple teams
Room 3: Patching all the immutable things \o/
Afternoon tea
Open Space #3
Room 1: How to do documentation right
Room 2: Improving Communication & Mentoring Junior team members
Room 3: Container orchestration
Closing Day & Logistics
Evening Event

Day 2

Arrival tea & coffee
Opening Welcome
Open spaces brainstorm
Morning tea
Open Spaces intro
Open Space #1
Main Stage: Arrested DevOps Podcast
Room 1: More 'dev' in the 'ops'
Room 2: What is tradional project management
Room 3: DevOps for DB admin
Afternoon tea
Open Space #2
Room 1: War Stories
Room 2: Management and Leadership
Room 3: Building better containers with Habitat
Open Space #3
Room 1: Security and DevOps
Room 2: Hiring Best Practice
Room 3: Convincing the business to retire the old stuff
Closing Day & Farewell
Followed by Conference Retro