devopsdays Tel Aviv - sponsor

Sponsorships are SOLD OUT!

There are also opportunities for exclusive special sponsorships. We’ll have sponsors for various events with special privileges for the sponsors of these events. If you are interested in special sponsorships or have a creative idea about how you can support the event, send us an email at [[email protected] ].

1500 usd
3500 usd
Platinum (Max 2 Sponsors)
5000 usd
2 included tickets   
logo on event website   
logo on shared slide, rotating during breaks   
logo on all email communication   
logo on its own slide, rotating during breaks   
5 minute pitch to full audience (including streaming audience)   
2 additional tickets (4 in total)   
4 additional tickets (6 in total)   
shared table for swag   
booth/table space   
Social media mention