Title: How to stop being a DevOps engineer
You think you're a DevOps engineer? I have some bad news for you - you actually don't exist. This is where you would say, "But the recruiter told me..." Really? Maybe you know PHP, C++, Python, Java, C#, XSLT? Perhaps even Excel? Wake up, Neo! I offer your the pill. Yes. Just one. There is no choice. There is no “DevOps Engineer”. However, you have a chance. A chance to find yourself. To understand yourself and your role. To know who you are. In the world of DevOps.
Тема: Как перестать быть DevOps инженером
Понятие и рынок DevOps. Как правильно себя позиционировать и при этом не выглядеть глупо. Как объяснить другим Вашу роль и чем Вы так полезны команде, как представитель DevOps культуры.