devopsdays Salt Lake City

May 16 - 17, 2017

Noah's Event Venue
DevOpsDays returns to the Silicon Slopes!

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DevOpsDays is returning to Salt Lake City in May!

This year with a bigger, better location! Noah's Event Venue !

Tuesday, May 16, 2017 - Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Humans and Tooling: Building reliability into your DevOps Organization The beauty of a Continuous Delivery pipeline and all of its components is knowing your monitoring and feedback loops are consistent. Implementing a good setup and proper maintenance you can consider them reliable, but machines are the easy part. Tools are always easy, humans are complex and it is the human which works with other teams, to collaborate, gather and validate the requirements for the pipeline. To create a welcoming culture and successful CD pipeline, a new team formation is essential. Thus DevOps was born to bring together groups previously pitted against each other via conflicting bonus plans, timelines, and business drivers. SLC DOD 2017 is all about this: you can’t create reliable feedback tools without recovering the human trust. How do we tool up and trust rapidly to prove we can rely on both.