New Ways to Effectively Develop a DevOps Culture

I was working in agile projects for more than 10 years now. But I have never been in a team reaching the hyper performance phase. Nor while working as number 2 in a start up nor in a small team embodied in a multinational global player. With DevOps, new specialists joining the team. The diversity grows and that will it not make easier to develop such a culture. Kaikaku, that’s the Japanese word for breaking off, doing experiments and implement disruptive changes if needed. That’s the recipe to develop a highly performing team or to find new ways. I had the chance to learn and implement three different methods which support such a culture. The results while applying those methods where stunning – positively. My hands-on experience with Lego Serious Play, Complex Problem Solving and Foursight have clearly shown, that it is worth to think outside the box and to left behind traditional management instruments. Culture is more important than before. To build bridges and solutions as a team is a core competence in a DevOps team. Those three methods will enrich your way to develop a DevOps culture. In my presentation, I will introduce the three methods based on real-life applications and will show you, how they can help to build bridges.



Cyrill Rüttimann

Since 5 years, Cyrill works as a consultant at innovation process technology (ipt). His first project puts him in the role of being responsible for the success of a project used in about half of the ...