Improving Time to Market: The New Speed of DevOps in a Corporate Environment

SIX has started the transformation to DevOps in 2015, being one of the first larger businesses in the Swiss financial sector to do so. The presentation will show the journey of one of the DevOps teams – the approach, the results and the learnings on the way from traditional “silo’ed” organization with waterfall methods to a new cross-functional, agile team, with a focus on improving speed by eliminating waste and through automation.

About our Company: SIX operates a competitive infrastructure for the Swiss financial center, catering to a broad, international client base. Its four business areas provide a comprehensive range of services in the areas of securities transactions, financial information processing and cashless payment transactions.



Michele Vuerich

Head Automated Input System, with over ten years of experience in agile software development.andreas-renggli

Andreas Renggli

Head Application Support Market Data, with over ten years of experience in the Market Data Sector as Linux Engineer, Software Tester and Application Support.