Continuous Performance Delivery: Find and Fix the Things That Matter

Businesses want to ensure that their end users are happy so they can maximize productivity, loyalty, and profits. But poor performing applications cause serious business issues. In today’s DevOps organizations and agile environments, it is essential to ensure application performance management throughout the full application lifecycle from the End User to Infrastructure. To achieve this, modern application performance management faces a challenge:

  • on one hand, it has to be extremely flexible and agile
  • on the other hand has to provide all necessary information on all transactions end-to-end

in production as well as development and test environments so that people are talking the same language.

Because DevOps is about speed and iterations, we will share in this presentation a performance management philosophy which will maximize the value of DevOps for high performing applications. It allows you to find and fix the things that really matter instead of hunting ghost performance problems with your DevOps groups.



Tharmes Siva

Tharmes Siva is a Solutions Engineer at Riverbed the Application Performance Company. Throughout his career in the IT for over 12 years he is clear about one topic, being key for success “Application
