50 Shades of Blue/Green (CI/CD)

The pace of development of Kubernetes is showing no signs of slowing. And when it comes to stateful workloads it may even be accelerating. We at MayaData should know as we contribute upstream to Kubernetes and related projects extensively.

In this hands on workshop we will review best practices for data and storage management on Kubernetes. Specifically we will go over Persistent Volumes (PVs) Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) and how k8s provisions them and how to manage them.

Next up will be the dynamic provisioners and how they can be used to setup PVs and PVCs dynamically and show how we can build a resilient storage system using Container Attached Storage (CAS) potentially in addition to other approaches.

We will also address Storage Engines, Storage Schemas, and Policies and how they can help you build a fully DevOps centric deployment with persistent storage, while not losing any of agility that k8s provides.

Lastly we will show how it all works together with the help of recent improvements in k8s snapshots and how they can be used to create 50 shades of green/blue CI/CD pipelines for stateful workloads

To join this workshop, you will need:

  • a laptop with sufficient CPU and memory to run a k8s cluster using Vagrant
  • have your development environment with all your favorite tools with you
  • Interest in figuring out how to use k8s with persistent workloads

Please go through the prerequisites below, before the workshop to not lose to much time installing software during the event




Jeffry Molanus

Jeffry Molanus has been in the storage world for over ten years and worked on various SDS products where somewhere distributed. Recently, jumped into the container world and interested in finding new ...murat-karslioglu

Murat Karslioglu

Murat Karslioglu is a technologist, and startup geek with over 10+ years of experience in storage, distributed systems, and enterprise software development. He is currently the VP of Solutions and ...