Think Like a Tester – Puzzles and Games to Inspire Better Testing

Great software testing relies on more than technical acumen. Testers must be curious and flexible in their approach to testing. With the entire Devops team responsible for quality, dedicated testers may not be the only teammates testing your team’s software. This requires a mindset shift for anyone moving between developing and testing.

In addition to that mindset shift, teams often face other challenges to great testing. Testing is sometimes seen as a dirty job. “Parental” feelings about code can create blind spots during testing. Unfamiliarity with test techniques and test heuristics often mean teammates are flying blind when writing tests. Knowing these challenges, is there anything we can do to help us test? Of course there is!

In this session, we’ll talk about these challenges and we’ll share some puzzles and games that can help us start move past them. This highly interactive talk is for testers and anyone else who wants to or needs to test. Attendees will learn techniques to help them dig deeper and ask better questions, ultimately helping us improve our testing and our software.



Annette Head

Annette Head is a QA practitioner with over 15 years of experience. She served on the board of the Des Moines Area Quality Assurance Association since 2014. She is passionate about learning, testing ...brian-kampling

Brian Kampling