Continuous Delivery for Mobile Apps (Android/iOS) mobile apps developer is delivering constant feature and code change, the work of building and submitting mobile apps code to several environment: UAT, Staging and Production to different audience is become repetitive with small value added. So we automate this process using Atlassian Bamboo and Hockey App.

We will share how we manage our deployment pipeline, how it is automated, what challange we face during those process.

The talk will be done by 3 person: me, Jimmy Harijanto (iOS Developer) and Blasius Neri (Android Developer).

Why would this talk be a good fit for the DevOpsDays audience?

Continous delivery for mobile apps important, failed to do this will cause repetitive work of delivering code to different people in different phase of development. So automation will relief developer for dong this boring and repetitive work.

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Ifnu Bima Fatkhan


I’m coder at heart, has been coding for 13 years. Currently I assume Development Manager role at, it is basically an Engineering Manager role. One of my role is setting up Mobile Apps
