How Honestbee does CI/CD on Kubernetes

Honestbee has been running Kubernetes in production since mid 2016. We have heavily invested in Helm and have real experience managing our Kubernetes service deployments as code with Helm. We would like to share how Helm is used internally at Honestbee. In the presentation we will tackle the following examples and use cases:

  • Continuous Delivery using Helm
  • Secret management with VaultController
  • Building and hosting our own chart repositories (and the iterations we did)
  • Plugins to help manage values
  • Helm Chart best practices

Why would this talk be a good fit for the DevOpsDays audience?

Learn from our practical Kubernetes usage, what benefits Helm and Kubernetes provide us. What challenges you may face adopting these technologies in your company and best practices from our experience

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Vincent De Smet


Co-organiser for Kubernetes and Cloud Native user groups in Singapore, Kubernetes speaker for GCP Singapore User Group and frequently presenting for meetups in Singapore. several recordings can be
