Taking the 3 Ways of DevOps on the Road

I'd like to share a workshop with you, using the Three Ways of DevOps to inspire creative, innovative thinking. This doesn't just work for people in Dev or Ops but also managers, test professionals, support teams and people from other business areas.

The workshops begin with a short talk about the Three Ways, assigning a personality to each one: “Gods”, “Investigative Reporters” and “Geniuses”. Participants then choose the personality or way that most interests them. Each team dives in to describe how they are going to make improvements in their roles and in their organisations according to their ‘way’. The responses have been so interesting that it makes sense to share the workshop with DevOpsDays London. I will make the relevant materials available online for anyone who'd like to use them.



Alexandra Moore

Alex has worked in IT, Marketing/Web design, Software Support and Software Delivery before moving into her current System Build (DevOps) role within TransUnion (formerly Callcredit). She spends her ...