Can Security Become a Routine?

In this talk I will share the experiences of teams that are working on improving the adoption of Security Activities in Software Development Teams. The overall goal is to help teams to be self-managed on software security activities. We have been running a project for 3 years now on the understanding of how teams that adopt/use security activities in Agile/DevOps teams, which practices are adopted, challenges faced, among others. The research being conducted in the project aims on helping practitioners to improve their working practices by identifying possible gaps in the security approaches understand how the adoption of security activities in the software development can be improved in different organizations.



Daniela Soares Cruzes

Dr. Daniela S. Cruzes is a senior research scientist at SINTEF. Previously, she was adjunct associate professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). She worked as a researcher ...espen-agnalt-johansen

Espen Agnalt Johansen

Visma, R&D Security

Passionate Security guy.