DevOps Transformations: Tools vs Culture

SysAdmins are obsolete, we need more DevOps engineers! Or do we?

In this talk, the author will give several use cases from his personal experience helping organizations to implement DevOps initiatives and automation of software delivery and testing.

  • Why technology X is not what you need right now
  • Why ignoring skills that are already present in the team may be a huge risk
  • Why everything-as-code is an effective approach
  • Why not investing in team member education may be very destructive
  • Why not having time is a bad excuse for not automating
  • Why process improvement effects may not be observable immediately
  • Why cost of automation sometimes is higher than the time invested in writing the scripts




Andrey Adamovich


Freelance DevOps consultant

Andrey is a software craftsman with many years of experience in different lifecycle phases of software creation. He is passionate about defining good development practices,
