DevOps and Experimentation in a Large IT Company

In a market where new technologies and processes arise frequently and quickly, how do you realise your potential? This is a talk about an experiment that tested this hypothesis at a large scale, outlines its consequences for an IT Company and their employees, and shows why we must experiment now!

Working with technology is becoming more and more challenging. Every day, new methods, frameworks and processes are developed, and their speed of adoption grows rapidly. If you’re starting a company today or if your company’s objective is to deliver a product, narrowing these choices down to a smaller set is achievable.

But, how would you do it if you provide IT Services such as consultancy, coaching, delivery or support? What if you are a medium/large company? Or, if you’re both? Facing such challenges, Solnet decided to rely on experimentation and DevOps to test a hypothesis: In a market where new technologies and processes arise frequently and quickly, how do you realise your potential?

By showing a history of how our company experimented with DevOps, we would like to explain how DevOps in turn made us rethink our culture, processes and even strategy, particularly in terms of using experimentation and prototyping.

The key message we would like to share in this session is that anyone can experiment, and we all must! We just need to feel brave enough to give it a go.

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Gleidson Nascimento


Gleidson is a highly experienced technical lead with solid skills in automation architecture, design and orchestration. Over the past 18 years, he has been responsible for automating large and complex
