devopsdays Tokyo - propose

Call for proposals is TBD

Check out Proposals at Confengine to see our most up-to-date proposals and how to submit your own.

Call for Proposals Description


We’re looking for a mix of technical and cultural talks that relate to the central conference themes.

Day & Theme / 各日のテーマについて

DevOpsDays Tokyoは、各日ともに異なったテーマで2日間にわたって開催されるコンファレンスです。テーマについて不確かな場合や両日の申し込みをご希望の場合は、お申込み時にその旨をお伝え頂けます様、よろしくお願い致します。

DevOpsDays Tokyo is a two-day conference, with each day having a different theme and a potentially different audience. If you’re unsure of the theme, or if you think it can apply to both days, just let us know that when you submit the talk.

Session Type / セッション・タイプ


  • レギュラー・トーク:フル(45分)かハーフ(20分)のいずれかになります。
  • ライトニング・トーク:ライトンニング・トークのセッションタイム中におこなわれます。各5分のスロットとなります。

There are two types of sessions planned:

  • Regular talk; these will be either full- (45 minute) or half-length (20 minutes) talks.
  • Lightening talk; these are presented in during a lightening talk session. They are 5 minute slots.

Language / 言語


Why DevOpsがテーマの初日は、全ての英語でのトークが日本語で同時通訳されます。現在、2日目のトークも日本語で同時通訳が提供できるように調整中です。


Although Japanese will be the primary language of the conference, we we’re striving for about half of the talks to be in English.

Day 1 (Why DevOps) English-language talks will be simultaneous translated to Japanese. Depending on the budget, we may also simultaneously translate Day 2 talks.

If you’re planning on submitting an English talk, please note that it will be very important to prepare the slides well in advance, so that we can prepare for simultaneous translation. While you won’t be required to speak or understand Japanese, please note your Japanese language-level.