The 7 Deadly Sins of DevOps

Everyone’s doing DevOps nowadays. Everyone’s telling you how to do DevOps nowadays. But are you doing DevOps WELL? You know what to do….but what about what NOT to do? In this light and fun talk, we’ll look at the 7 Deadly Sins of DevOps to make sure you’re avoiding them to apply DevOps principles the best you can. DevOps isn’t just a “thing you do”, but rather a set of principles you incorporate into your work….and a set of things you should avoid. This light and fun talk uses the 7 Deadly Sins to illustrate what to avoid and what to do instead for practicing better DevOps.



Matt Blasinski

A graduate of UW-Madison’s Computer Science department, Matt Blasinski has been part of the Messaging Team at UW’s Division of Information of Technology (DoIT) for over 15 years. During that time he ...