Managing DevOps with hearts not dollars

Want to use your DevOps skills for good, to help the most vulnerable people in our community connect to services? We’ll cover how we do it, without leaving our day jobs. My day job for example is managing DevOps at an international CyberSecurity company. Our talk will feature strategies for making a social impact in the world using technology skills, as with HopeOneSource — a 501(c)(3) social technology for good helping prevent and end homelessness within DC. +1.8K people speaking two languages experiencing homelessness have registered, contributing to the region’s reduction in homelessness and hypothermia related deaths — all through this volunteer led effort.

We’ll discuss the challenges and opportunities that arise from running a DevOps effort in the volunteer community. The nuances that come with motivating and aligning people who aren’t getting paid, but, also the skills and growth that it allows you to bring back to your full-time job. (Aside from the personal development that comes from helping people in need). We’ll also dig into the benefit of serving in this type of work because you can help through the whole stack. From design and coding to the actual implementation out in the streets of DC and how that helps improve both technical and field aspects of the product.




John Chadwell


Currently work for a CyberSecurity company building out Operations Centers and leading a Devops team for our Managed Defense Products.

In my volunteer capacity I provide guidance and planning for
