Arturo García

DevOps Engineer in Aval Digital Labs

Software and DevOps Engineer with 6+ years of experience designing, implementing and managing the development of software applications using agile methodologies such as scrum and kanban. 2+ years of hands-on experience supporting, automating and optimizing mission-critical deployments, leveraging configuration management, CI/CD, and DevOps processes. Experience with on-premise and cloud architectures and foundations both on the coding and deploying systems.

Desde temprana edad me han gustado las ciencias informáticas y he sentido curiosidad por la seguridad informática, experimentando siempre métodos para lograr un fin claro; aunque muchos métodos suelen ser populares o simples, siempre he cuidado aprender a fondo cómo es que estos trabajan, logrando que las técnicas que utilizo sean robustas y seguras.

Con 9 años de experiencia en el sector informático, he trabajado o colaborado en las siguientes áreas: -Desarrollo de Software -Tecnologías de la información -Administración de Redes -Administración de servidores -Seguridad Informática -Desarrollo de Software Crítico -Informática ForenseShe has worked as a Professor of Software Engineering and Researcher. She is interested in solving performance, resilience and reliability issues, using chaos engineering and studying human errors, safety on systems and lack of monitoring and observability. Currently, she works with the software-owning teams to support them by doing Chaos Engineering through workshops, ideation, and tooling.

Arturo García at Bogotá 2020

Arturo García