Propose Your Science-Fiction Solutions Powered by Today’s C/C++

Bravely go where no developer has gone before. Science-fiction is known for inspiring wonder and creativity. This interactive session presents science-fiction scenarios. Its card-game approach challenges you to propose how today’s C/C++ libraries can make these scenarios a reality. You’ll think critically about various libraries and become familiar with them in ways you may not have thought possible. Science-fiction fans and developers of all experience levels are welcome to join. This session also reflects on the state of the C/C++ ecosystem, the realities of development, and tools like Conan for managing libraries.



Nick Ristuccia

Nick started in the videogames industry where he developed titles for Wii, DS, 3DS, PS3, 360, iOS, and Android. He escaped from the game studios to work at tech companies. As a Curriculum Developer at ...