Value stream mapping - what it is and how to start

Elevator Pitch

The work we do is part of a larger system with a goal of ultimately delivering value to a person. Understanding how all of those pieces fit together helps us make better decisions on where to improve. If we automate the infrastructure creation to on demand, but any database changes take weeks, making the infrastructure faster doesn’t help.


The work we do is part of a larger system with a goal of ultimately delivering value to a person. Understanding how all of those pieces fit together helps us make better decisions on where to improve. If we automate the infrastructure creation to on demand, but any database changes take weeks, making the infrastructure faster doesn’t help.

In this session, we will go through simple ways to start your mapping your value stream. We will create the value stream, calculate lead time and cycle time, look at efficiency and variance, along with creating plans for improvment.

As a bonus, you will get some optional take home homework!



Joel Tosi

Just trying to help teams learn and make their work easier