DevOps: The Winning Formula for High-Performing Teams

In this talk I’d like to give a short overview of how our introduction of DevOps at Yucca Labs went. I will cover the following topics:

From Dev / Ops to DevOps ( what we will gain )

  • Traditional IT teams software delivery ( the old way of doing things )
  • DevOps as link between organization needs and Tech/tools ecosystem maturity
  • High performance DevOps oriented teams structure

Automation : Infrastructure As Code (IaC) and config management

  • Slow/OId IT practices VS Fast/modern concepts
  • Infrastructure as Code : The solution ( with the advantages / the practices )

Software delivery Do’s and Don’t’s

  • Software releases patterns vs antipatterns
  • CI/CD pipelines
  • UseCase implementation at Yucca Labs (DevOps X Hybrid microservice architecture)
  • Software delivery ** Delivery pipeline architecture ** Application environments ** Version control branching strategy ** Releases versioning ** Application testing ** Pipeline feedback loop ** Delivery metrics

Infrastructure :

  • Fully Declarative configuration management
  • Change management pipeline

Operational dashboards:

  • ELK and backup system


Ahmed Siouani

Ahmed Siouani is the CTO at Yucca Labs, a startup factory that invested strategically in DevOps during the last year and measured the impact of such a move.