Filling Knowledge Gaps: Lessons From My Journey to Understanding Database Internals

Prior to early 2022, Divine has been a software engineer for years, and interacted with several databases like Postgres, MySQL and Redis, etc but when he was listening to a conversation on database internals, he was so confused.

Just like Divine, most software engineers today don’t have a traditional computer science background and because of that, they sometimes have some foundational knowledge gaps though not always important for the day to day job, helpful in being a better engineer.

In Divine’s quest to fill his knowledge gap, he developed a framework for himself to help him learn and understand something so complex as database internals, which resulted in him joining a database company as a Technology Evangelist.

Divine will start this talk by sharing his experience with databases and how filling his knowledge gap helped him in his career. After that, Divine will share the ubiquitous step-by-step framework that anyone can implement in learning any technology or tooling.



Divine Odazie


Divine Odazie is a Developer Relations Professional and Technical Writer with over 5+ years of experience in Technology and a track record in Backend Engineering, DevOps, Cloud Native and Developer
