Exploring Four Approaches to Serverless Development

More and more developers are building cloud systems using serverless compute platforms such as AWS Lambda, and KNative. Not having to manage servers, patch operating systems, scale capacity or wake up at 4am because someone posted about you on HackerNews, are only some of the benefits of this approach. But many are also frustrated by the fact that when developing serverless systems, the cloud is, almost by definition, part of an “inner loop” of the development cycle, and deploying to the cloud is annoyingly slow and breaks the creative flow.

In this talk we will explore 4 different approaches to bringing back the flow to serverless development. We will do some live hacking, and show how each approach works, and talk about the tradeoffs of each one.



Elad Ben-Israel

After an amazing journey to create the AWS CDK, CDK8s, JSII and Projen, Elad has recently left the comforts of AWS to start a new company called Wing Cloud. Wing’s mission is to democratize the cloud ...