The problem with Innovation activities such as Hackathons

In modern corporate world, your boss would have assigned you at-least 33% (1 out of 3) Key Performance Index (KPI) for each year for ‘Innovation’. And you might have joined in the innovation councils/teams/Hackathon/Lab to contribute, only to realize that we brainstorm forever and even if ideas do get generated, there is no Business hunger for it. This is because your super boss has assigned 33% of the KPI to your boss for Innovation.

  1. Innovation is different from creativity
  2. Does the ideas /innovation contest/hackathon helps?
  3. How can you improve the Innovation index in your Organization



Rajasekar Narayanan

Raja is working closely with Innovation for past 7 years. A curious person himself, has recently won a Hackthon in Hartford. An Electrical Engineer by Education, he has presented his technical ...