From OverTheWallOps to DevOps, Using OpenShift for SysOps and Engineering

From OverTheWallOps to DevOps, Using OpenShift for SysOps and Engineering by Robert Stone and Shaun Ladewig from DevOpsDays Houston

Is your organization suffering from “Over the Wall Ops?” The road to production is fraught with danger and risks, learn how Endurance is tackling the problem, lowering risk, and speeding up launches by having Development and Operations work hand in hand leveraging OpenShift! Join us for a real-world case study from both sides, Shaun Ladewig (System Architect) presents lessons learned in understanding, deploying, and managing an OpenShift cluster while Robert Stone (Principal Software Engineer) outlines how that cluster is used to stand up, deploy, and re-tool our monoliths to fit a more container-based architecture.




Shaun Ladewig

Systems Architect for Endurance International Group on it’s Mainsites and Billing Team. Loves containers so much that he drinks from one daily.robert-stone

Robert Stone


With Degrees in Biological Sciences and Computer Science, Robert has been engaged in Technology and Computers since an early age. Having worked in positions as diverse as Flair Bartending, Teaching
