devopsdays Washington, D.C.


Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington, D.C.
1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20004
A house divided against itself cannot stand.

Other Washington, D.C. Events
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Monday, Jul 8, 2019 - Tuesday, Jul 9, 2019


Why Attend?

  • Whether you are in government, academia, or the private sector, DevOpsDays is for you.
  • Whether you are in operations, development, QA, security, or any other department, DevOpsDays is for you.
  • Whether you want to learn about DevOps, share your experiences, or just talk shop with DevOps practitioners, DevOpsDays is for you.

DevOpsDays are a mix of keynote sessions and open spaces.

Who has attended?

This is the fifth year for DevOpsDays DC. You may be wondering who typically attends. We see a mix of public- (~25%) and private- (~75%) sector professionals.

Job titles include: Companies include:

About Washington, DC

If all you know of Washington, DC is what you see on C-SPAN or the news, you are missing out. While its importance as the Nation's Capital and center of government is undisputed, the "DMV" (District, Maryland, and Virginia) is also home to innovative startups, leading universities, and world-class arts and culture.

If you are local, you already know the diversity of our DevOps community. If you are coming in from elsewhere, prepare to mix with DevOps leaders from every segment of our vibrant local scene. And, of course, take some time to check out everything else the Nation's Capital has to offer, from the many free Smithsonian museums to great food and drink!