devopsdays Portland, ME

Devopsdays Portland, ME is postponed until Spring 2021, see you then!

Devopsdays Portland, ME 2020

Devopsdays Portland, ME 2020 has been canceled.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the continued efforts within our community to combat its spread, we have decided to cancel our inaugural 2020 event. As we were hoping that the later date would allow us to carry on with planning, there is too much uncertainty. Our community is rightly focused on more pressing matters now and for the foreseeable future.

The difficult decision to cancel this year's event has been made a bit lighter knowing that it's really a postponement. From the beginning, we intended for 2020 to be the first of many annual events. When the time is right, we'll shift our focus to planning 2021. In many ways, we have a jump on next year. Stay tuned, and we'll let you know as soon as we get rolling.

Until then, we wish everyone the very best. Stay safe, and take care of each other. We will see you next spring!
