devopsdays São Paulo - Contato
Se você quiser entrar em contato conosco: [email protected]
Our local team

Developer by occupation, security officer by obligation.

VR Benefícios
Enabling companies to develop testing capabilities across DevOps.

DevOps Engineer, Na Estrada DevOps host and zombie hunter.

Software Quality Engineer. In charge of Test Girls community. Agile testing, DevOps and good trips.

Application Security Specialist and Secure Development Consultant. DevSecOps Enthusiast.

Soteropolitano, hacker urbano e consultor de infraestrutura.

IT guy, used to be a drummer, loves to fly, father, speaker, author, coffee and Pizza addicted
The core devopsdays organizer group
ActiveBridget Kromhout (lead), Kris Buytaert, Serhat Can, Jennifer Davis, Bernd Erk, Rafael Gomes, Nathen Harvey, Matthew Jones, Dan Maher, Ken Mugrage, Mike Rosado, Andrew Clay Shafer, Matt Stratton (web team lead), John Willis
HistoricPatrick Debois (founder), Damon Edwards, Anthony Goddard, Lindsay Holmwood, Gildas Le Nadan, Stephen Nelson-Smith, Julian Simpson, Christian Trabold, John Vincent, James Wickett